When the product is a carrier of its own history and tradition, not only the product but also the technology of its production becomes doubly interesting. It is the involvement in the technological process that we offer to visitors through the newly added agro-tourism service.
In the summer of 2021 we received a grant from the Association of Organic Farms "Elkana" in the field of agro-tourism. With the necessary equipment, furniture and infrastructure, we have created a pleasant, warm environment for tourists, who will have the opportunity to participate in the production cycle, gastronomic master classes and taste the corner cuisine. The enterprise-museum preserves the traditional technological chain together with the traditional inventory, the production is entirely based on manual labor. We have provided information to the Department of Tourism and travel companies to add the facility to tourist routes Hopefully, from the spring of 2022, we will be able to receive guests in the safe environment from a pandemic. There is no other agro-tourism facility in Tianeti. By mastering this segment we will be able to attract many tourists and increase the awareness of the region.
Within one tour it is possible to get a group of 5-10 people. We offer several types of services to visitors:
1. Introduction to the enterprise - a tourist will visit the enterprise-museum and take part in the production process, which is traditionally based on hand labor - Shaking milk; squeezing cottage cheese, mixing cottage cheese with salt, Making cottage cheese teams, etc.
2. Gastronomic tour - tourists will take part in the preparation of traditional dishes, as well as taste it and take their creations with them.
3. Traditional Pshauri table - will be hosted according to the pre-ordered, traditional dishes from menu
The cost of the first two packages will be mainly fixed, and the third - non-fixed, according to the selected dishes. The cost of the package is determined by the number of guests and the number of packages. Discounts will be provided for family members, children and people with disabilities
It is advisable to agree and book a visit at least 3 days in advance
An hour's drive from Tbilisi (65 km), in our enterprise-museum you will find a warm and cozy environment with beautiful nature and delicious food. We are waiting for you!