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Erbo - melted butter


There is an ancient tradition of fat consumption in Georgia. In this regard, we have quite a variety of choices, which are distributed in different parts of Georgia. Eastern Georgia leans towards more animal fats, while Western Georgia leans towards more vegetable fats. This is due to the weather as well as the customs.

The culture of consuming animal fats was mainly prevalent in those regions where livestock was well developed. Such were the mountains of southern Georgia, Tush-Pshav-Khevsureti, mountainous Adjara and others

The main fat in Pshav-Khevsureti has historically been butter and erbo. Ebo is made by melting butter. The butter should be drained without boiling, very carefully. The melted butter will form a white layer on top - milk casein, and milk waste and other excess substances will settle to the bottom. The white layer on the top should be completely removed. Refined butter - the same pure fat, lipids, carefully, without stirring are poured into other dishes, so as not to follow the excess impurities that have accumulated at the bottom.

There are many types of fats available today for food preparation, but the best is still considered erbo, fats are divided into two groups - saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The first group includes: butter, erbo. In the second - all vegetable oils. In addition, there are monounsaturated fatty acids - these are olive oils.

"Saturated fats are more stable, while polyunsaturated fats are subject to oxidation. This is the process while oil under the influence of oxygen and light begins to oxidize and produce free radicals. "They are harmful to the body, because they can cause oncological diseases," - explain nutritionists.

However, it is clarified that erbo is healthier than butter while cooking, because it contains more vitamins and microelements, and a little milk protein, casein - a possible provocateur of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. In addition, erbo contains low lactose. And this is important because too many people Can not stand lactose